Projects we have proudly been involved in
Over the many years TABORDA Contracting has built a reputation around being able to provide outstanding and exceptional quality service to our clients. We have successfully fulfilled our obligations and are extremely proud to have been involved in the following projects:
- Wellington Street / Forrest Place Redevelopment for Downer Edi
- St Georges Terrace Streetscape Enhancement Project for Broad Construction Services
- Pride Festival of WA
- Yongah Hill Centre Development Project in Northam
- Golden Spoke WA bicycle races
- Local Government Authority (LGA) capital project works and special events for: Town of Victoria Park; City of Armadale; City of Perth; amongst numerous other LGA's
- Stirling Highway bus lane for PTA
- New Children's Hospital
- CBA, City Bus Port Authority
- Elizabeth Quay
- Adelaide Terrace water main upgrade
- Water Bank Project
- Mundaring Water Treatment Plant